Jackie Chew is responsible for securing FDA approved COVID 19 PPE products such as nitrile gloves, masks, and mobile test kits for SST’s government and industry customers.
Jackie has more than 15 years of experience in global financial management, asset management, international investment banking , healthcare and biotech industries, telecommunications,  data centers, information technology, real estate, engineering, energy, and infrastructure solutions.

Jackie is also associated with an international financial group in Asia, Europe, and The Middle East. In this capacity, she is  responsible for advising and investing in financial institutional projects. Jackie has strong government relationship and experience in Asia and Europe. 

Jackie has strong relationships with PPE manufacturers in Asia and has the experience to work with these companies to coordinate large contracts and shipment of these PPE products to the United States. Jackie is located in  Malaysia. Her mobile contact: +6012 376 0668 ; email: jchew@securitysolutionstechnology.com

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